Asset scheduled for for reimport during the Refresh loop
When we switch git branches, we get the following errors. It's throwing these on prefabs and aseprite assets. This doesn't seem to break anything, but we do get a lot of them, which makes looking for important errors a chore.
The asset at Assets/_Prefabs/Levels/CombatArenas/CourtBackdrop.prefab has been scheduled for reimport during the Refresh loop and Loading of it has been attempted.
Doing this can lead to the AssetDatabase returning two versions of the same asset.
Please ensure that code which attempts to reimport this asset does not run while the editor is Refreshing.
You can do so by checking the value of EditorApplication.isUpdating
UnityEditor.AssetDatabase:FindAssets (string)
Shapes.ShapesIO:get_RootFolder () (at Assets/Shapes/Scripts/Runtime/Utils/ShapesIO.cs:21)
Shapes.ShapesIO:get_ShaderFolder () (at Assets/Shapes/Scripts/Runtime/Utils/ShapesIO.cs:31)
Shapes.ShapesIO:get_GeneratedMaterialsFolder () (at Assets/Shapes/Scripts/Runtime/Utils/ShapesIO.cs:33)
Shapes.ShapesMaterials:InitMaterial (string,string,string[]) (at Assets/Shapes/Scripts/Runtime/Utils/ShapesMaterials.cs:56)
Shapes.ShapesMaterials:.ctor (string,string[]) (at Assets/Shapes/Scripts/Runtime/Utils/ShapesMaterials.cs:23)
Shapes.ShapesMaterialUtils:.cctor () (at Assets/Shapes/Scripts/Runtime/Utils/ShapesMaterialUtils.cs:75)
Shapes.ShapeRenderer:OnValidate () (at Assets/Shapes/Scripts/Runtime/Components/ShapeRenderer.cs:197)
Reporting a bug? please specify Unity version:
Reporting a bug? please specify Shapes version:
Reporting a bug? please specify Render Pipeline: