Polygon Triangulation Failed

  • updated
  • Fixed

Hello Freya and thank you for creating this asset!

I've stumbled across a polygon case where the error

Invalid polygon triangulation - no convex edges found. Your polygon is likely self-intersecting

is reported, even though the polygon is not self-intersecting.

The polygon looks like this:

Image 554

If I add a bit of displacement to the right lower corner, it renders correctly:

Image 555

The component is a Polygon using Ear Clipping. The points are as follows (you should be able to copy that block and paste it as points, and the error should occur):


I have also checked the point order and it seems to be correct. Thanks for looking into this!

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Reporting a bug? please specify Render Pipeline:
Freya Holmér creator
  • Fixed

good catch and thanks for the test case!
polygon triangulation has now been stabilized and handles this case just fine :)

Or at least, my reduced test case of getting down to the minimal set of points causing the issue (excuse the bad looking debug labels)