Draw shapes in URP
Hello, i'm moving my project from Built-in to URP and i have some issue, i had a rotative cone in my project :
That was working fine but now, with urp, this cone just does not appear and i have this message :
Is that linked to the fact the cone does not appear ? I don't understand this.
I'm having the same problem. For me it's doing this in empty project.
I tried to reimport Shapes, but couldn't pick the "ShapesRenderFeature.cs" file, or any other files that were not selected automatically.
Also I noticed that in Shapes Settings, the shaders were compiled for Built-in RP altough it correctly detected that I'm using URP and preprocessor keywords are defined for URP. The problem doesn't go away after force-setting Shapes to URP.
I'm using Unity 2020.3.46f1
Shapes version: 4.2.1