GC allocations when animating shapes

  • updated

Animating using the animator is allocating memory every frame:

Image 832

I noticed this when it was only allocating 80 bytes. However, I'm also just animating 2 objects. Increasing the number of these objects will proportionally increase these allocations (20 objects, 800 bytes, every frame):

Image 833

So I dug a little bit into the code, maybe thinking these are editor-only allocations, but this is what I found (this is disc.cs, but it's present in every shape class):

Image 834

This is allocating a new array every time, seemingly for a single material instance.
To make sure I tried implementing a simple fix:

private protected override Material[] GetMaterials()
var array = ArrayPool<Material>.Alloc(1);
array[0] = ShapesMaterialUtils.GetDiscMaterial(type)[BlendMode];
return array;

And then making sure to free the array in the calling method...

private protected void UpdateMaterial() {
Material[] targetMats = GetMaterials(); // Here's the call
// ... some other stuff rnd.sharedMaterials = targetMats;
ArrayPool<Material>.Free(targetMats); // Returning the array back to the pool is fine here, since (apparently?) sharedMaterials will copy the array content

(This is using the ArrayPool implementation inside the Shapes package)

Now checking the profiler again, only implementing the fix in disc.cs so far (67 animated objects, 0 allocation per frame):

Image 835


  • Can we be sure that these methods will only ever create an array with a single element? I haven't used Shapes much and currently my use case is pretty narrow, so I might not encounter situations where this assumption becomes an issue. However I would like to use it more but I certainly prefer not having unnecessary allocations every frame.
  • Is this known and intended for whatever reason or simply a little oversight?

I would like to know more about this, but for now I'll just implement the ArrayPools for each shape and hope it doesn't break anything.

Edit: Digging a little bit deeper, Polyline appears to be the only shape that can potentially return an array with 2 elements, like so:

private protected override Material[] GetMaterials() {
if( joins.HasJoinMesh() )
return new[] { ShapesMaterialUtils.GetPolylineMat( joins )[BlendMode], ShapesMaterialUtils.GetPolylineJoinsMat( joins )[BlendMode] };
return new[] { ShapesMaterialUtils.GetPolylineMat( joins )[BlendMode] };
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