Narrow Angles still a problem

  • updated

Image 838

Hi apart from the previously mentioned "Cut off point for miter line joints" issue, when a polyline join gets very shallow like above it suddenly breaks the thickness and incorrectly draws the inner half of the lines and I am not sure why.

I know it is a problem if the other ends of the lines also overlap (in which case may be best to just break the joints!) but here it is still a 'where do the inner lines' cross question and then join the inner sides at that point.

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Oh I see the problem - not much is generated on CPU side so the shader has to do a lot of work to create the joints. This does cause problems, I wonder if there needs to be a CPU alternative that correctly draws narrow corners as per above, if it can not be done GPU side? (The other side effect of doing so much on GPU is a lot of shaders!)