Radius not matching with Physics2D.OverlapCircle
Hello, I'm very sure I must be doing something wrong, but for some reason, when I draw a disc, the radius given doesn't match up with the overlapCircle or the drawgizmos. Both, the disc here and the gizmos have a radius of 5.
I'm not quite sure what I could be doing wrong. The prefab in use is scaled down to .6, but I wouldn't think if that was the reason the mismatch would be so much. The disc is a child of the prefab. I tried doing some multiplication as well to see if the .6 scaling was the reason, and I couldn't find a consistent multiple. Any ideas what I might be doing wrong?
if you really need to keep the scale of parent objects, then this might help compensate for it:
rangeCircle.Radius = towerModel.Range / rangeCircle.transform.lossyScale.x;