[Bug] Shape sorting is wrong in isometric camera view

  • updated
  • Unity's Fault

(raised as GitHub issue #33 first)

Seems when using an isometric camera the sorting order of shapes does not follow the depth sorting anymore:

Image 136

(gif starts with isometric view and then goes to perspective view)

Is this a Unity bug, or is there sorting inside Shapes? Seems to be unaffected by Billboard vs. Flat 2D modes.

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Freya Holmér creator
  • Answer
  • Unity's Fault

Shapes doesn't do any sorting on its own, everything behaves the way Unity would behave with any other mesh renderer, so whatever quirks you may get is out of my control!

That said, there are various ways to get around this issue:


I think I found the actual issue: I had moved the line handles without thinking about the pivot, and that was off by something like 0.0001. Moving the pivot right to the center seems to bring sorting back to "as expected".

Freya Holmér creator
  • Answer
  • Unity's Fault

Shapes doesn't do any sorting on its own, everything behaves the way Unity would behave with any other mesh renderer, so whatever quirks you may get is out of my control!

That said, there are various ways to get around this issue: