Ztest is not working for Immediate-Mode Drawing(URP)
Unity built in rendering pipeline
Unity built in rendering pipeline
Shapes.Draw.BlendMode = ShapesBlendMode.Transparent;
Shapes.Draw.LineGeometry = LineGeometry.Volumetric3D;
Shapes.Draw.ZTest = CompareFunction.LessEqual;
Shapes.Draw.LineThicknessSpace = ThicknessSpace.Pixels;
Shapes.Draw.LineThickness = 4; // 4px wide
Shapes.Draw.Line(point1, point2, shape.Color);
I can confirm that, Using lastest version of URP 9 :
The path is inside the cube but still visible
Looking into this now - this seems to work fine in 2019.4 URP as far as I can tell. testing 2020 now!
Ah, looks like this is actually an issue with the timing of OnPostRender, as far as I can tell. it looks like there is no depth information anymore at this stage in the render pipeline D:
This works in OnDrawGizmos - but not during RenderPipelineManager.endCameraRendering, correct? I'm guessing you're having the same behavior (looking into it further now)
Alright, it looks like this might require some major restructuring to make it work in SRP I'm afraid, so, we'll see when/how this might land. I'll keep looking into this tomorrow!
narrator, 3 months later: it did indeed, take some major restructuring
however, it is now fixed in the coming 3.0.0 update ❤
it should be in the Shapes namespace! so either add using Shapes; at the top, or extend from Shapes.ImmediateModeShapeDrawer
oh, you know what - that script is in the samples folder, so if you excluded samples that script won't be found
I'll move it into the main scripts folder for 3.0.1 :)
in the meantime, here's its code:
using UnityEngine;
#if UNITY_2019_1_OR_NEWER
using UnityEngine.Rendering;
// Shapes © Freya Holmér - https://twitter.com/FreyaHolmer/
// Website & Documentation - https://acegikmo.com/shapes/
namespace Shapes {
public class ImmediateModeShapeDrawer : MonoBehaviour {
/// <summary>
/// Override this to draw Shapes in immediate mode. This is called once per camera. You can draw using this code: using(Draw.Command(cam)){ // Draw here }
/// </summary>
/// <param name="cam">The camera that is currently rendering</param>
public virtual void DrawShapes( Camera cam ) {
// override this and draw shapes in immediate mode here
void OnCameraPreRender( Camera cam ) {
switch( cam.cameraType ) { // Don't render in preview windows or in reflection probes in case we run this script in the editor
case CameraType.Preview:
case CameraType.Reflection:
DrawShapes( cam );
#if UNITY_2019_1_OR_NEWER
public virtual void OnEnable() => RenderPipelineManager.beginCameraRendering += DrawShapesSRP;
public virtual void OnDisable() => RenderPipelineManager.beginCameraRendering -= DrawShapesSRP;
void DrawShapesSRP( ScriptableRenderContext ctx, Camera cam ) => OnCameraPreRender( cam );
public virtual void OnEnable() => Debug.LogWarning( "URP/HDRP immediate mode doesn't really work pre-Unity 2019.1, as there is no OnPreRender or beginCameraRendering callback" );
public virtual void OnEnable() => Camera.onPreRender += OnCameraPreRender;
public virtual void OnDisable() => Camera.onPreRender -= OnCameraPreRender;
It seems like I have the same issue 4 year after :(
I'm drawing lines in Immediate Mode but they're drawn over everything else.
Broken :(
I'm using Unity 6000.0.32f1 in URP
Here is my code, I'm writing it in class that inherit ImmediateModeShapeDrawer.
public override void DrawShapes(Camera cam)
using (Draw.Command(cam))
Draw.LineGeometry = LineGeometry.Flat2D;
Draw.LineEndCaps = endCaps;
Draw.ThicknessSpace = ThicknessSpace.Meters;
Draw.Thickness = thickness;
Draw.Color = colorOverFill.Evaluate(Fill);
Draw.ZTest = CompareFunction.LessEqual;
Draw.BlendMode = ShapesBlendMode.Opaque;
Draw.Matrix = transform.localToWorldMatrix;
switch (gaugeStyle)
case Style.Linear:
case Style.Segmented:
private void SegmentedDisplay(Camera cam)
var leftX = drawRect.x + padding;
var rightX = drawRect.x + drawRect.width - padding;
var bottomY = drawRect.y + padding;
var intervalY = (drawRect.height - padding) / (float)steps;
for (int i = 0; i < steps * Fill; i++)
Draw.Line(new Vector3(leftX, bottomY + intervalY * i), new Vector3(rightX, bottomY + intervalY * i));
It seems like I have the same issue 4 year after :(
I'm drawing lines in Immediate Mode but they're drawn over everything else.
Broken :(
I'm using Unity 6000.0.32f1 in URP
Here is my code, I'm writing it in class that inherit ImmediateModeShapeDrawer.
public override void DrawShapes(Camera cam)
using (Draw.Command(cam))
Draw.LineGeometry = LineGeometry.Flat2D;
Draw.LineEndCaps = endCaps;
Draw.ThicknessSpace = ThicknessSpace.Meters;
Draw.Thickness = thickness;
Draw.Color = colorOverFill.Evaluate(Fill);
Draw.ZTest = CompareFunction.LessEqual;
Draw.BlendMode = ShapesBlendMode.Opaque;
Draw.Matrix = transform.localToWorldMatrix;
switch (gaugeStyle)
case Style.Linear:
case Style.Segmented:
private void SegmentedDisplay(Camera cam)
var leftX = drawRect.x + padding;
var rightX = drawRect.x + drawRect.width - padding;
var bottomY = drawRect.y + padding;
var intervalY = (drawRect.height - padding) / (float)steps;
for (int i = 0; i < steps * Fill; i++)
Draw.Line(new Vector3(leftX, bottomY + intervalY * i), new Vector3(rightX, bottomY + intervalY * i));
it works fine on my end in Unity 6 URP - I'd open the frame debugger to see how/when everything is drawn to see if something is clearing the depth buffer in between unity's opaque rendering and Shapes' IM rendering. You could also try it in a clean/new project, or toggle post effects on/off to see if something is causing it to fail. You might also get it to work by using various values for the (optional) second parameter of Draw.Command()
it works fine on my end in Unity 6 URP - I'd open the frame debugger to see how/when everything is drawn to see if something is clearing the depth buffer in between unity's opaque rendering and Shapes' IM rendering. You could also try it in a clean/new project, or toggle post effects on/off to see if something is causing it to fail. You might also get it to work by using various values for the (optional) second parameter of Draw.Command()
It was a another package that I am using for outlines that was clearing the depth buffer just before Shapes draws. I fixed it by using the second parameter to use another renderPassEvent.
Thanks for the quick response and the solution !
Keep up the amazing work !
narrator, 3 months later: it did indeed, take some major restructuring
however, it is now fixed in the coming 3.0.0 update ❤