Polyline end caps

  • updated
  • Planned

Being able to add caps to the end of Polylines would be great, obviously only applicable if it's not a self-closing polyline. This with 3D polylines and the per-point thickness would be especially helpful for creating some interesting effects.

Stems from - https://shapes.userecho.com/communities/1/topics/16-more-options-on-lines

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It would be great if this was implemented separately from the big polyline rework, even if it's in a semi-incomplete state.

For example, my current Polyline uses the same width for the whole line, and it only has 3 points. It's a super simple use case, but it looks bad with flat caps, so I'll have to do something logistically awkward with two Lines instead. Adding rounded caps to Polylines would be extremely convenient, even if there are some caveats to when and how they can be used.

EDIT: I was able to solve this using Surge's SplineRenderer (I had already bought Surge a while ago). I believe the corner rounding isn't as clean as it is in Shapes, but I was able to get the rounded caps that I wanted, and it was easier than trying to line up a bunch of Lines into a pseudo-Polyline.

Freya Holmér creator

it's hard for me to know exactly while I'm still recovering from burnout, and it depends heavily on what I'm capable of focusing on and what I prioritize.

It's still planned to be part of the big polylines rework, which is sitting at about 50% done. It turned out to be a lot more complicated than I anticipated, mostly due to being able to set per-point width to be honest, which complicates the math quite a lot


Hi, I would also be interested in having this feature. Is there any updated estimate?

brian eppert
Quote from Freya Holmér

this is still planned yeah - I've been swamped with other work in the meantime, along with burnout, so shapes has been a little bit on the backburner as of late

I've been working on a big polyline update, and this would be a part of that update! I don't have any estimates at the moment though, but I think I'll push for updating shapes again in may

Great to see this Freya, we would put it to use immediately.

Thomas Ratliff

Totally understandable. Appreciate the update and looking forward to it!

Freya Holmér creator

this is still planned yeah - I've been swamped with other work in the meantime, along with burnout, so shapes has been a little bit on the backburner as of late

I've been working on a big polyline update, and this would be a part of that update! I don't have any estimates at the moment though, but I think I'll push for updating shapes again in may

Thomas Ratliff

Hey Freya,

I know this an old thread, but wondering if this is still a planned addition? Would be super useful!

Freya Holmér creator

I don't really have a timeframe at the moment, though polylines are next in line to get updates! so whenever I have time to get back to a big update, they'll come :)

chris andrews

Hi Freya, I just wanted to see if there was any updates on End Caps on Polylines. It is a feature I am after for a current project.

Thanks in advance. 

Freya Holmér creator

Polylines will be getting its own large overhaul/update soon, probably after the 4.0.0 update (coming next week)

They've been suffering from legacy code issues for quite some time which has made various things harder than it should be, but, hopefully that will change going forward!

Christian Knaapen

Would love to see this soon too! The rounded and softer endcaps are quite necessary for the style of our game, where basically everything is rounded. Unity's LineRenderer does have it but has other issues, most prominently with 180 degree turns, so I'm currently torn between the two. Unless polylines get rounded endcaps of course, then the decision would be easy.

brian eppert

Hello Freya,

Hoping to see this soon too, specifically Rounded End Caps on the Polyline would be super helpful!


Spence Thompson

Understandable! Thanks for responding! Hope to see it! 

Freya Holmér creator

it has been a little hard to prioritize as of late, between new features and critical fixes, so this one has slipped behind for a bit. I don't think it'll make it into the next update, but the one after that I imagine it could if I prioritize it over some other things!

Spence Thompson
Quote from Freya Holmér

Hi Freya!

I would also like this feature and was wondering if this is something planned soon or when I can expect this change? Do you have a roadmap you can point me to? Looking back through the feedback forum this seems to be the highest thumbs up post that has yet to be completed, but I can't find any other info regarding it.


Freya Holmér creator
  • Planned