Photoshop-style Overlay blend mode

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Most of the main blend modes that someone using Photoshop might be used to are accounted for in Shapes, but the 'Overlay' blend mode, which is like a hybrid of both Multiply and Screen, is not yet included.

As an example, here is an implementation that has worked for me in the past, though I make no claims to its correctness:

#define BLEND_OVERLAY(a, b) b <= 0.5 ? (2*b)*a : (1 - (1-2*(b-0.5)) * (1-a)) 
half3 overlayBlend(half3 back, half3 front)
            BLEND_OVERLAY(back.r, front.r),
            BLEND_OVERLAY(back.g, front.g),
            BLEND_OVERLAY(back.b, front.b)

Referenced from here:

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Freya Holmér creator
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so far all blend modes have been implemented using hardware blending, in which you have much less control than blending operations where you have full access to both the source and the destination values. As far as I know there's no way to do this, unless we start going into Shapes using GrabPass or render textures or other extremely expensive operations to get a hold of the target data

Quote from Freya Holmér

so far all blend modes have been implemented using hardware blending, in which you have much less control than blending operations where you have full access to both the source and the destination values. As far as I know there's no way to do this, unless we start going into Shapes using GrabPass or render textures or other extremely expensive operations to get a hold of the target data

Darn, that is understandable though.

Freya Holmér creator
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so far all blend modes have been implemented using hardware blending, in which you have much less control than blending operations where you have full access to both the source and the destination values. As far as I know there's no way to do this, unless we start going into Shapes using GrabPass or render textures or other extremely expensive operations to get a hold of the target data