Batching Filled Shapes with a Border
I've got the following use case:
drawing a potentially large quantity of shapes that have both a fill and a border.(think or visio)
these entities should all have their own zorder so they dont overlap and can be reordered.
since shapes cannot have both a border and fill i have to create two gameobjects.
this breaks batching because the draw order goes fill>border>fill>border
is there some way to draw a filled shape with a border in a single draw call?
(if not would you consider this as a future feature?)
is there some way to batch draw calls in the above mentioned fill>border>fill>border case?
ah, right, hm, this seems to be a side effect of how Unity does instancing I suppose :c
it does make sense since render order matters a lot here, and rendering all borders in one instance is just not possible since transparent shaders don't write depth, so I think this is a case that can't be solved without either: