Triangle shape not rendering in Nintendo Switch

  • updated

Hi, I'm having issues with the triangle shape when building for switch, every other shape works perfectly, but I am unable to make the triangle shape work, tried with a fresh install and tweaking different shapes options. No logs are thrown during the build

Reporting a bug? please specify Unity version:
Reporting a bug? please specify Shapes version:
Reporting a bug? please specify Render Pipeline:
Freya Holmér creator

is it drawn using immediate mode or components?

if it's immediate mode, try putting a triangle component in the scene, it's possible shader stripping might have caused it.

if it's a component, try compiling and running the shapes gallery in a new project! see if the triangles are still broken 

Quote from Freya Holmér

is it drawn using immediate mode or components?

if it's immediate mode, try putting a triangle component in the scene, it's possible shader stripping might have caused it.

if it's a component, try compiling and running the shapes gallery in a new project! see if the triangles are still broken 

i am using component, i have been testing in a totally empty project just with shapes and still same results


Ok, so i have been doing more test and i have been able to figure out the problem, the problem comes from the points that makes the triangle, when working with big numbers there the triangle doesn't work, on the other hand, if i work with smaller numbers but scale the entire gameObject it works. 

This one Does work

this way doesn't

Freya Holmér creator

oh, hm, that's odd. are any of the parent objects scaled too?

Quote from Freya Holmér

oh, hm, that's odd. are any of the parent objects scaled too?

No, they have no parents, its just the scene and the triangle

Freya Holmér creator

so it's not in a canvas parent? (seeing as it has a RectTransform)

theresa latzko

I've been running into the same problem, I have been working around it too by increasing the scale of the transform itself instead of using large numbers when entering the triangle points. 

I've reproduced it with a triangle that has no parent objects and isn't part of any canvas

Using built-in render pipeline, editor build 2022.1.15f, Shapes v.4.2.1

theresa latzko

Update: This seems to specifically break/unbreak itself whenever I switch between iOS and desktop build settings. In desktop it works fine, in iOS build mode it breaks consistently both in editor and when deployed on the phone

Quote from Freya Holmér

so it's not in a canvas parent? (seeing as it has a RectTransform)

Yeah my bad, in the screenshot i sent is indeed under a canvas with a 0.1 scale, but i have tried the same without canvas, a normal transform like theresa and same results, small numbers on points and big scale works, big numbers on points but 1 scale doesn't. In my case, in editor alwasy works fine, only fails when trying the build in the nintendo


Any updates on this? Is there a way to fix it our should I just work around it?

Freya Holmér creator
Quote from Jose Manuel Rodríguez

Any updates on this? Is there a way to fix it our should I just work around it?

I dont know I'm afraid, this sounds like a Unity bug, or some undocumented unsupported feature on the switch. The only thing I can suggest is to skim the build and runtime logs to see if you can find anything related to the triangle shader. 

Quote from Freya Holmér

I dont know I'm afraid, this sounds like a Unity bug, or some undocumented unsupported feature on the switch. The only thing I can suggest is to skim the build and runtime logs to see if you can find anything related to the triangle shader. 

Seems like Unity bug since this happens on ios too, I get no errors from debug console, also tried with frame debugger and can't see anything weird, it appears like is being drawn, I will have to work around it, thanks anyways