Draw.Text doesn't work with ZTest
Using the following code:
using( Draw.Command( cam ) )
Draw.BlendMode = ShapesBlendMode.Transparent;
Draw.ZTest = UnityEngine.Rendering.CompareFunction.Always;
Draw.Text(txt, pos.ToVector3(h), rot, text, 2.25f, textColor);
Draw.Disc(pos.ToVector3(h), rot, 0.04f, pointColor);
The points, lines, disc, etc all draw on top of other geometry. But the Text does not.
Edit - Might this be due to the 4.2.0 performance changes to Text. I understand that some features like masking might be a real pain, but disabling depth testing customization is surely a critical feature for text.
this was removed as of 4.2.0 in favor of a huge performance gain. more info here: (duplicate thread)
I might look into getting this back in a future update if it's something people really need! though it's pretty nontrivial to do in a performant way