Shapes drawn in immediate mode do not get culled on MacOS Unity 2021.3.15f1

  • updated

I am using Shapes to Draw 3DLines as Diagrammes. 

The "Use Culling Masks" Option is ticked and works on my machine aswell as my colleagues Windows' Machines.

Unfortunately the shapes get rendered through walls on MacOS.

Here is a screenshot of the problem:

Image 777

The graphs on the right are behind an object yet are not culled.

Any idea what might be causing this?

Reporting a bug? please specify Unity version:
Reporting a bug? please specify Shapes version:
Reporting a bug? please specify Render Pipeline:
Built-in render pipeline
Freya Holmér creator

hm, sounds like a unity bug, or something somehow fails during shader compilation, or during builds.

I'd try a clean reinstall on the OSX build machine just to make sure there's nothing broken with the shader cache, and check the logs for any shader/shapes related errors

georgi dimov

Hello Freya - sorry for the late reply.
Unfortunately after a clean reinstall on the OSX machine(s), the problem still persists.
Oddly enough , it appears to only happen on newer Apple Sillicon (M1/M2) chips.Older Intel chips cull the shapes as expected.

 I could not find any shader or shapes related errors in the Editor/Player log.

PS. Small Correction: Im drawing Flat 2d lines not 3D.