PS4 shader compile error in 'Triangle Core.cginc'

  • updated
  • Fixed


We're getting a shader compiler error on PS4 on lines 134-136 of 'Triangle Core.cginc':

Shader error in 'Shapes/Triangle Darken': Program 'vert', incompatible argument list for call to 'mul'. Found 1280 possible candidates: at Assets/Thirdparty/Shapes/Shaders/Core/Triangle Core.cginc(134) (on ps4)

The cause is three attempts to multiply a half3x3 by a half2 - the PS4 shader compiler is stricter than the other platforms on mismatched calls like this, and throws errors instead of attempting to guess the right thing to do.

// 2D miter offset directions
half2 miterVecA = GetMiterOffsetDirFast( nCA, nAB, padding );
half2 miterVecB = GetMiterOffsetDirFast( nAB, nBC, padding );
half2 miterVecC = GetMiterOffsetDirFast( nBC, nCA, padding );

// add local space padding
half3x3 mtxProjToLocal = transpose(mtxLocalToProj);
a += mul(mtxProjToLocal, miterVecA);
b += mul(mtxProjToLocal, miterVecB);
c += mul(mtxProjToLocal, miterVecC);

I'm not clear on the right fix for this - what is the intention here?



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Freya Holmér creator
  • Answer

try this! lemme know if it works and I'll include the fix in the next update :)

a += mul(mtxProjToLocal, half3(miterVecA,0));
b += mul(mtxProjToLocal, half3(miterVecB,0));
c += mul(mtxProjToLocal, half3(miterVecC,0));
Freya Holmér creator
  • Fixed

glad it worked out! this has now been fixed for 4.0.0

Keith OConor

Looks like that took care of it. Thanks for the quick turnaround!

Keith OConor

Thanks, will do!

Freya Holmér creator
  • Answer

try this! lemme know if it works and I'll include the fix in the next update :)

a += mul(mtxProjToLocal, half3(miterVecA,0));
b += mul(mtxProjToLocal, half3(miterVecB,0));
c += mul(mtxProjToLocal, half3(miterVecC,0));